May 2024

“Understanding society and its contemporary challenges”

Viña del Mar.
Tipo de Evento: Seminario
Organiza: Escuela de Negocios
Dónde: Campus Viña del Mar y online
Público: Académicos
Horario: 13:00:00 hr

La Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez invita al ciclo de seminarios académicos “Understanding society and its contemporary challenges”, organizado por el profesor Pedro Fierro.

El ciclo está especialmente pensado para el Faculty de la Escuela de Negocios, debido a que busca generar discusiones científicas interesantes y ampliar sus redes de investigación.

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered major changes in the patterns of human population movement across the world. Non-pharmaceutical interventions to contain the spread of COVID-19 contributed to sharp declines in population movements. However, these interventions have differentiated impacts across population socioeconomic groups. Less advantage populations continued to display relatively high levels of commuting and increased the relative exposure to COVID-19, while commuting among affluent households recorded a reduction reflecting the capacity of their jobs to be done remotely. However, most of the existing evidence has drawn on data from the Global North and focuses on the immediate impacts of the pandemic. Suitable data have represented a major limitation to monitor change in mobility patterns in countries in the Global South, including Latin American countries, and the evolution of human mobility patterns beyond 2020. Drawing on aggregate anonymised mobile phone location data from MetaFacebook users, we will present our work which aims to address these research gaps. Particularly we analysed the extent and persistence of changes in the levels (or intensity) and spatial patterns of human mobility in urban areas of Argentina, Chile and Mexico over a 26-month period from March 2020 to May 2022. We show evidence of the heterogeneous nature of the evolution of human mobility patterns after COVID-19 across socioeconomic groups and regions with different levels of urbanisation.

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