Concursos académicos de la Escuela de Psicología

3 de Junio 2021 Noticias

La Escuela de Psicología abre postulaciones a cuatro cargos académicos en sus diferentes áreas: dos académicos con grado de doctor en Psicología Organizacional y otros tres cargos para ser parte del Centro de Neurociencias Social y Cognitiva UAI. 

El detalle de cada plaza está a continuación:


La Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez busca contratar dos académicas/os full-time para incorporarse al Área de Psicología Organizacional. Se espera que las/los académicas/os sean un aporte relevante a la investigación científica y a la formación de alumnos de pre- y postgrado. Al mismo tiempo, se espera una participación activa en actividades de coordinación y planificación del área que permita seguir consolidando el posicionamiento de los programas internos y externos del departamento. El Área de Psicología Organizacional está conformada por académicas/os comprometidos con la investigación y la docencia, que buscan generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad difundiendo y promoviendo prácticas organizacionales de excelencia e innovadoras. Así mismo, tanto la Escuela de Psicología como el área de Psicología Organizacional están comprometidas con la diversidad, y consecuentemente busca atraer candidatas/os que permitan conformar un lugar de trabajo abierto y diverso.

Requisitos de postulación:

  • Grado de Doctor preferentemente con especialización en Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones, Comportamiento Organizacional, o disciplinas afines.
  • Acreditar productividad científica en publicaciones indexadas (e.g., Web of Science, Scopus)
  • Experiencia como investigador principal o co-investigador en proyectos de investigación con financiamiento nacional y/o internacional.
  • Experiencia en docencia de pre y post grado en la especialidad


  • Contrato indefinido. Aunque la posición es full-time, también se considerará la contratación de académicos con jornada parcial en los casos que requieran un compromiso de tiempo menor
  • Adscripción al proceso regular de jerarquización académica de la universidad acorde a la proyección académica de los candidatos.
  • Carga de investigación acorde al nivel de productividad científica.
  • Remuneración de acuerdo al mercado y perfil del candidato.

Antecedentes requeridos para postular:

  • Currículum vitae que incluya una breve descripción de su trayectoria académica, antecedentes curriculares, ORCID actualizado y productividad en investigación.
  • Copia de hasta cinco publicaciones representativas (en formato PDF).
  • Dos cartas de referencia confidenciales enviadas directamente por correo a indicando en el asunto el nombre del postulante.
  • Una propuesta académica con objetivos de investigación a corto y largo plazo que explicite además de qué manera su incorporación podría fortalecer los núcleos de investigación de la Escuela de Psicología (extensión máxima de 2 planas).
  • Copia del certificado del grado académico de Doctor/a.
  • Carta de presentación incluyendo intereses de investigación y áreas de interés en docencia.

Criterios de selección:

  • Calidad de la propuesta académica y dominio del área de investigación.
  • Factibilidad de desarrollo y de integración a la institución de acuerdo a la propuesta de incorporación.
  • Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.
  • La existencia de proyectos de investigación vigente será especialmente considerada.

La evaluación y selección de antecedentes será realizada por una comisión ad-hoc de la Escuela de Psicología. Se dará preferencia a candidatas/os con el grado de Doctor que tengan una sólida trayectoria de investigación y docencia universitaria. El proceso de evaluación de los candidatos incluye una entrevista personal y una presentación con miembros de la Escuela. La Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez se reserva el derecho de declarar desierto el concurso, sin expresión de causa.

Dirigir postulaciones a Decano Escuela de Psicología, hasta el 25 de junio de 2021.


The Doctoral program in Social Neuroscience and Cognition associated to the School of Psychology at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, offers a full-time permanent position in teaching and research in Cognitive Science starting on August 2021 or March 2022 at the latest. Candidates must hold a doctoral or PhD degree in one of the fields of Cognitive Science. Successful candidates are expected to complement existing strengths of our research teams. The candidate must have solid knowledge of cognition, neural nets and other computational modeling methods, and programing languages (e.g., Matlab, Python, R). The candidate must also demonstrate an active research program with publications in mainstream journals and the ability to obtain research grants. He/she must have demonstrated excellence in research and scholarship within the field of interest.

Responsibilities include developing a strong and competitive research program, mentoring doctoral students, collaborating with the different research teams both in-house and international, delivering high quality teaching at undergraduate and graduate level, and obtaining competitive research funding from external sources. Importantly, if the candidate were not a Spanish speaker, obtaining a good command of Spanish within one year of arrival is expected.

We offer the candidate the possibility of working with highly productive researchers at the Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience (CSCN) and the newly established Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat). Our teams are permanently obtaining research grants. Our instalations include laboratories with EEG, state-of-the-art TMS, Eye-tracker, and spaces for behavioral data collection. Salaries at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez are paid in Chilean pesos and are highly competitive at national and continental level.

Required documents:

CV, ORCID with up-to-date publications, letter of interest, a selection of relevant publications, 2 letters of recommendation.


Please send inquiries, informal candidate nominations, and other suggestions to Please send a copy to


The Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience (CSCN: at the School of Psychology at the  Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile, offers a position for teaching and research in neuroscience. The candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree in related fields, have training in neuroscience and research experience using TMS as well as  solid knowledge of data analysis (behavioral, electromagnetic, or neuroimaging data). The candidate must show productivity (at least ten publications in the last five years) and experience in leading projects. Candidates must be able to participate in international research networks and work on collaborative projects. Responsibilities include leading a new T.M.S. lab, developing an independent line of research, developing methods for data analysis and experimental design, mentoring Ph.D. students, and supporting ongoing research at the CSCN, and teaching at undergraduate and graduate level.

Screening of applications will begin immediately and remain open until the position is filled. The CSCN ( holds a state-of-the-art DuoMAG TMS plus Brainsight and Polaris, allowing multiple experimental designs and stimulation trains, as well as Theta stimulation (iTBS-cTBS) and multiple stimulation intensities. The CSCN also holds numerous faculty members and equipment (high-density EEG, eye-tracker, access to a 3T MRI scanner), and a Ph.D. program on cognitive neuroscience (with internal fellowships). The applicant will also benefit from a strategic association of CSCN with the just-launched Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat:

Required documents 

CV, letter of interest, a selection of relevant publications (3 maximum), and two email addresses of references for a recommendation.


Please send inquiries, informal candidate nominations, and other suggestions to


The Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience ( at the School of Psychology at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile, offers a full-time permanent position in teaching and research in Experimental Phenomenology starting on August 2021 or March 2022 at the latest. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in one of the fields of Cognitive Science. Candidates are expected to have a solid knowledge of experimental designs that integrate third-person and first-person data. Candidates must show high scientific productivity and the ability to obtain research grants. Candidates must be able to participate in international research networks and work on collaborative projects.

Responsibilities include leading research programs incorporating third-person and first-person methods, mentoring Ph.D. students, and teaching at undergraduate and graduate level. It is also expected that the candidate collaborates with the different research teams both in-house and international, and obtaining competitive research funding from external sources. Importantly, if the candidate were not a Spanish speaker, obtaining a good Spanish command within one year of arrival is expected.

We offer the candidate the possibility of working with highly productive researchers at the Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience (CSCN) and the newly established Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat). Our teams are permanently obtaining research grants. Our installations include laboratories to collect third-person data (high-density EEG, state-of-the-art TMS, Eye-tracker, and behavioral data collection). Salaries at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez are paid in Chilean pesos and are highly competitive at national and continental level.

Required documents  

CV, ORCID with up-to-date publications, letter of interest, a selection of relevant publications (3 maximum), and two email addresses of references for a recommendation.


Please send inquiries, informal candidate nominations, and other suggestions to

Redes Sociales
